
Prices for conversion are based on a simple conversion (no columns or few images, ex. novel).  The standard price is $0.50/page plus a $50 managerial fee (ex. 500 page novel, $250 for conversion plus $50 for managerial fee = $300 total).  For more complex books (multiple images) the cost is $1/page plus the $50 managerial fee.  For more customized conversions, please email us with your work for a free quote.  Special rates are offered for batch conversions of 20 titles or more.



Information sessions are available for $50.  These sessions with explain the basis of eBooks - what they consist of, different formats, matching eBook format with eReader and more general eBook information.  Live online tutorials will soon be available as well.

To have an eAgent work with you and your eBook project, there is an hourly rate of $50/hour.  Your eAgent will guide you in the right direction of pricing your eBook, where to distribute it and where to put the most marketing effort.  ePublishin will advise you of key factors that work and those that do not work in the eBook industry.



With distribution outlets to major eBook retailers like the iBookstore, Kobo, Amazon and many many other bookstores around the world, ePublishin gets you connected!  We ask for between 10 - 15% of the retail price off eBooks SOLD!  This is in addition to the retailers portion.  This will leave you with a bigger portion of the pie unheard of in the print world.   What's more, we only take are share from the eBooks you sell - can your print distributer say the same?  There is an annual listing fee of $50 per title (there are discounts available for batch listings).



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